To 100-year celebration of Planck ConstantFive fundamental constants of vacuum, lying in the base of all physical laws, constants and formulas.N. Kosinov. E-mail: Fundamental constants invariant to the metric. The analysis of relations obtained in unitron theory for calculation of physical constants shows that many constants are interconnected [10,11]. The overwhelming number of constants can be expressed by means of the fundamental metric of space – time. The dependence of a kind of the formulas, their simplicity or complexity is revealed depending on magnitude of the fundamental metric. Only for some value of the fundamental metric in the formulas for constants there is coherence, i.e. such coherence in the equations for calculation of constants that formulas do not contain proportionality constants. There is only one condition when in the formulas of fundamental constants occurs a coherence. Under this condition formulas acquire simple, nice and perfect view. It is observed only with one value of lô equal 2,817940285(31) • 10-15 m. For deviation of lô from this value both in the direction of increment and decrement, in the formulas for calculation of fundamental constants occur additional coefficients and they become more bulky. The dependence occurs not from magnitudes that are included in the formula, but from multiple magnitudes or from fractional magnitudes. The research has shown that among universal physical constants, some of them are invariant to the metric. It points out on their special status. It is those constants, which are nonreducible in relation to metric features of space and belongs to really fundamental constants. Such constants are: Planck Constant, quantum of an unitron operation, speed of light, elementary charge, fundamental length, fundamental quantum of time, constant of a thin structure, p number, electrogravitational constant, unitron constant of vacuum. There are ten such constants. With the help of these fundamental constants invariant to the metric, all other universal physical constants can be received. The tab.2 [11] of fundamental constants, invariant to variations of the metric is indicated below. The additional research of these ten fundamental constants have revealed that among dimensionless constants (a, p, D0), the electrogravitational constant D0 is not independent. This dimensionless constant can not be obtained by any combination of independent dimensional fundamental constants, however it is connected to fundamental dimensionless constants a and p. Its value equals 4,16650385(15) • 1042. The obtained value of an electrogravitational constant D0 allows to receive for the first time value of a gravitational constant of Newton by calculation. This major constant did not have the formula for its calculation and was determined experimentally. The numerical value G was found in English by physicist G. Cavendish in 1798 on rotating weights by a measurement of a gravitation force between two spheres [1]. Then value G has been constantly updating. Now value G is considered to be equal 6,673(10) • 10-11 Nm2/kg2. Among all universal physical constants the accuracy in definition of G is the lowest. Now, after 200 years passed since the first measurement of a constant G was made, appears the possibility to calculate its exact value, using the formulas of unitron theory and to compare experimental outcomes to theoretical estimation. As accuracy in definition of constants of an electromagnetism is high enough, using our formulas obtained in (20) – (24) indicated in [11], where the constants of an electromagnetism include, we receive calculated value of a gravitational constant. The numerical value for a gravitational constant gives magnitude of 6,67286742(94) Nm2/kg2, which is few orders more precise than experimental value.2. Fundamental physical superconstants. Among dimensional constants, invariant to the metric of space – time, elementary charge and speed of light are not independent and can be expressed through other constants. The elementary charge is determined through a quantum of an unitron operation and fundamental metric. Speed of light is a composite constant and is determined by the fundamental metric. The Planck constant is also a composite constant. It contains quantum of an unitron operation, constant of a fine structure and number (2p) [9]. Thus, among fundamental constants invariant to variations of the metric, there are absolutely independent fundamental constants. It allows defining for them a special status. Let's name them as fundamental physical SUPERCONSTANTS. There are five such superconstants. The tab. 3 of fundamental superconstants is indicated on [11, p.61]. With the help of this five unique superconstants all laws and formulas of physics can be presented, and also all other constants of physics both known and just obtained in framework of unitron theory [2, 6 – 11]. These five fundamental superconstants allow describing both physical vacuum, and substance. That substance is described by the same superconstants, as the vacuum is, tells both about a vacuum origin of substance, and about its secondary status in relation to vacuum. All fundamental physical constants also have the secondary status in relation to fundamental superconstants. The research of fundamental physical superconstants in unitron theory has lead to two important conclusions, which can be formulated as follows: Conclusion 1. By means of five fundamental physical superconstant: fundamental quantum of an operation (hu = 7,69558071(63) • 10-37 Js), fundamental length (l = 2,817940285(31) • 10-15 m.), fundamental time (t = 0,939963701(11) • 10-23 s), number p, fine structure constant a – all known dimensional constants, laws and formulas of physics can be expressed. Conclusion 2: The dimensionless fundamental physical constants can be expressed through numbers p and a. All known fundamental physical constants, except of a constant fine structure constant, are not independent and are not nonreducible. It concerns both dimensional and dimensionless constants. From unitron theory follows, that primary, nonreducible and independent constants are only fundamental superconstants. To dimensionless constants belong: a constant mp/me = 1836,152 ... , relation of an electrical force to a gravitational force, relation of a magnetic moment of an electron to magneton of Bohr, relation of a magnetic moment of a proton to magneton of Bohr, relation of magneton of Bohr to magneton of unitron, relation of Planck constant to fundamental quantum of an operation etc. The discovery of five independent fundamental superconstant, that are completely enough for the description of all physical laws and all other physical constants, specifies that the world is arranged under the extreme simple laws. In these laws the special place and the main role belongs to the fundamental metric of space – time and superconstants of physical vacuum. Correlation observed at a set of other constants of physics also come from fact that in base of all physical laws lie only three dimensional and two dimensionless fundamental superconstants, which are enough to describe both vacuum and substance. The discovery of fundamental superconstants is a major scientific result of unitron theory of physical vacuum.3. To a problem of a quantum gravitation Appearance of Planck units of mass, length and time has generated hope for creation of such theory, which would operate with three constants: G, c, h. By the opinion of scientists such theory would be completely quantum theory which would take into account a gravitation. As it is noted in [12]: “ we actually do not have uniform physical theory in which G, c, h would appear simultaneously. Even theories connecting these constants just in pares, are the largest achievements of the twentieth century: (G, c) – is a general theory of a relativity; (c, h) – is a relativistic quantum field theory. Meanwhile completely quantum (G, c, h) theory does not exist “ [12, page 31]. The formulas for a Planck mass, length and time look like: (71) (72) Both Planck units and units (me, c, h) – theory – quantum electrodynamics, lead to natural units of dimensionality: kg, meter, second. Such correlation requires explanation. There is an opinion that “ it is impossible, while (G, c, h) – theory does not exist” [12, page 33]. The unitron theory of vacuum managed to reveal such relation and using new fundamental physical superconstants of vacuum, within the framework of new (, lô, tô,a,p) – theory, to receive the following relations for Planck units: (74) (75) These formulas show, that the Planck constants are connected to fundamental constants of length, time and mass by very nice and simple relations. The accuracy of values of Planck constants calculated on the formulas of unitron theory is much higher than it was known before. It has become possible, due to revealed in framework of unitron theory connection between gravitational constant G, Planck constant, fundamental metric of space-time and discovery of five fundamental superconstant. 4. Fundamental physical constants expressed through the fundamental superconstants hu, lô, tô, a, p. In table 4[11] shown the formulas for fundamental physical constants expressed through the fundamental superconstants hu, lô, tô, a, p. As is visible, by means of fundamental superconstants , lô, tô, a, p it is possible to express physical values of any dimensionality and to receive the formulas of all other physical constants.5. The comparative table of fundamental physical constants. The comparative table (tab. 5[11]) of numerical values of known physical constants and their values obtained from unitron theory [2, 6 – 12] is indicated below. From the table it is visible, that many physical constants were known only from experiments and did not have the formulas for their calculation. In unitron theory the analytical expressions for their calculation are found. It allows for the first time to define their values by calculation. Unitron theory has allowed to receive analytical expressions for calculation of the following constants, which values were known only from experiment: gravitational constant of Newton (G), rest-mass of an electron (me), elementary charge (e), rest-mass of a proton (mp), rest-mass of a proton to a mass of an electron mass ratio (mp/me), constant of Habble (H). For a constant of Rydberg, energy of Rydberg, quantum of a magnetic stream, impulse, energy of rest of an electron, specific charge of an electron, Bohr magneton, the universal gas constant, constant of Boltzmann, constant of Stefan-Boltzmann, acceleration of gravity – obtained new formulas, where the fundamental metric of space – time is included. That allows to receive more accurate values of these constants and to reveal their uniform nature. Besides that, the new fundamental constants have been open: unitron constant of vacuum (Gu), fundamental constant of a force (Fu), energy of gravitational quantum (Er), fundamental acceleration (b), magneton of unitron (mu), fundamental quantum of an operation (hu), fundamental metric of space – time (lô, tô), quantum of a resistance (Ru). For new physical constants the formulas are also obtained that permit to calculate their values using five fundamental superconstants. As we see all laws of physics rise from physical vacuum and are realized on gap between unitron – nonmaterial object of vacuum, and proton – completed material formation. From unitron up to a proton forming of the fundamental interactions as a result and as various manifestations of uniform universal interaction happens. Here all the physics with all its features in electricity, magnetism, gravitation and the laws of a mechanics is played. All laws of forces come from here, which are exhibited in the electrical, magnetic, gravitational phenomena and mechanical interactions in microcosm and in the megacosm. The elementary particles are formed from unitron vacuum and are its manifestation with energy saturation of vacuum substation up to limiting value of energy density. Duality of unitron sets the information contents to material formations. The substance, which arises from unobservable vacuum, is one of manifestations of vacuum substation. The substance is perceived by sense organs and is fixed in physical experiments. The statement of ancient philosophers that emptiness generates all observable world finds the substantiation. Finds the substantiation also the idea that the vacuum potentially contains all material and field forms of manifestation of a substance. Thus, the vacuum is an only reality that has the fundamental status. To vacuum the maximum harmony and symmetry is peculiar. This harmony of vacuum is also exhibited in the material world. All fundamental constants, all laws and formulas of physics rise from physical vacuum. Therefore, without exaggeration it is possible to assert, that in a base of the world lies the vacuum, as unseen world, and it sets all properties and features of the seen material world. In vacuum everything is contained necessary for realization of the material world.Conclusions:1. Analytical expressions for calculation of a gravitational constant of Newton using fundamental constants of an electromagnetism and Planck constant are obtained for the first time. The obtained numerical value of a gravitational constant by accuracy exceeds on few orders accuracy of known experimental value.2. In unitron theory the correlation of fundamental physical constants is revealed and the analytical expressions for calculation of those physical constants are found, whose values were known only from experiment and did not have the formulas for their calculation.3. The theoretical substantiation of correlation of Planck constants of length, mass and time with natural units of dimensionality (kg, meter, second) and fundamental constants of vacuum is given.4. The existence of five absolute independent fundamental constants is revealed with the special status of fundamental SUPERCONSTANTS. These five fundamental superconstants are enough to describe all laws of vacuum and substance and to express with their help all other fundamental physical constants.5. The discovery of five independent fundamental superconstants underlying all laws, constants and formulas of physics, specifies that the world is arranged under the extreme simple laws. In these laws the special place and the main role belongs to the fundamental metric of space – time and to superconstants of physical vacuum.LITERATURE1. S. Philonovich, Cavendish, Coulomb and electrostatics. M.: Knowledge, 1988.2. N. Kosinov. Emanation of substance by vacuum and problem of structure genesis. Idea, N 2, 1994, seconds 18 – 31, (in Ukrainian). 3. H.E.Puthoff, “Gravity as a Zero-Point-Fluctuation Force”, Phys. Rev. A 39, 2333, March 1, 1989. 4. B.Haisch, A.Rueda and H.E.Puthoff, “Inertia as a Zero-Point Field Lorenz Force”, Phys. Rev. A 49, N 2, 678-694, Feb., 1994. 5. Millis, M. 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